Get better transport quotes
from your trusted Carriers

Use Loadar's procurement tools to enhance efficiency with your trusted Carriers and make your transport procurement hassle free.

Cost Savings
15% reduction in cost of transport with Loadar procurement tools
Make transport procurement much less complex and more efficient for your team
Generate reports and gain insights regarding your transport spendings

Procurement Models

Fixed Price Dynamic Tender

  • Carriers need to commit to a Service Level Agreement for multiple deliveries over a fixed time period.
  • Carriers can bid different prices and commit to different capacity for each period in the tender to optimise their competitiveness.
  • Shippers control the parameters which determine how loads are automatically allocated.
Spot Job

Open Spot Job

  • In an open spot job the Carriers have access to adjust their pricing and capacity on any given route at any time.
  • Carriers match their pricing and availability to their existing schedules.
  • Shippers control the parameters which determine how loads are automatically allocated.

Single Job Auction

  • A job can be a part load or multiple loads.
  • Carrier bids for complete job on fixed price per load.
  • Lowest priced bid at the end of the auction wins.

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